Thank you, Jacks Small Engines, for servicing my Husqvarna 322T Rider's part needs. It's a very limited unit used in the US, unfortunately. So getting the right parts when I need them is tough.
This snow blade is exactly what I needed. It will not only move snow, it can move small rocks on a gravel driveway and it will peel back grass where you don't want it. So long as you don't treat the blade and unit like a big-boy tractor, the blade and
the unit work well together. So far I haven't needed wheel weights, but I suspect I should order them for just-in-case. Who knows what the Rider and Blade will be getting in to next.
Since the blade detaches from the snow blade mount which has a regular attachment to the mower, if a rake trade out piece could be manufactured and sold as a snow blade mount's alternative attachment, that would be perfect. Gravel/landscape rake attachment
- that's what else I need. :)
Thank you for sourcing this blade for us rare US birds that like the Rider series of mower, in any event.